
Are you ready for business? Employment law basics for start ups - Part 1

You are an exciting new start up. What are your priorities? 雇佣合同,人力资源政策和程序,以及考虑你的雇佣法义务? 我们认为不是…….

Let’s face it; you’re more likely to be working flat out on new product development, competing for great talent, securing funding and juggling a million other things. Potential employment law ‘issues’ won’t be high on your radar but actually, 建立正确的人力资源和就业法律基础可以增加有形价值并降低商业风险.

在本系列的第1部分中,我们将探索如何正确使用基础知识,并在第2部分中跟进, what to expect and prepare for as you grow. 在第三部分中,我们将帮助你为你的旅程做好准备,通过转型和改变的兴奋和挑战,让你在通往成功的道路上保持稳定.

Employee Handbook – a tool to help you comply with the law

各种各样的法律要求从一开始就影响着企业如何管理员工. This includes important information that must be given to employees when they join.


员工手册是一种非常实用的方法,它可以把员工需要知道的全球最大的博彩平台他们工作的一切都放在一个地方. To comply with the ‘written statement’ requirements, as a bare minimum it should cover how you deal with disciplinaries, grievances and sick pay. Now that all employers are subject to the auto enrolment pension regime, a handbook is an ideal place to explain how you manage that. 如果你有五名以上的员工,就需要制定健康和安全政策, which we recommend is included in the employee handbook.

These ‘must have’ requirements apply to almost all employers, but some will have other legal boxes they need to tick. 例如, 你可能没有注意到,去年英国的数据保护立法发生了根本性的变化.


GDPR和新的《十大正规博彩网站评级》更加强调数据管理方式的透明度,包括员工数据. It is much less likely that employee consent can be relied upon and, whilst there are a number of legitimate reasons to process data, it is vital that employees are made aware of these.  例如, data on what your employees do and how they do it drives valuable insights, 但是,您是否能够合法地处理此类个人数据并避免信息专员办公室(Information Commissioner 's Office)的制裁,可能取决于您如何告知员工您如何处理这些数据.

有一份“私隐通知”,列明你在雇用某人期间可能收集的资料类型, how it will be processed, 你为所有这些辩护的理由是证明遵守新政权的最好方式, and make sure you can process what you need to.

What else do you need to think about?

大多数企业对关键客户或供应商等第三方都有某种义务, 要么写进相关合同,要么被法律强制执行——所以你的员工了解他们的职责或责任是至关重要的.

例如, have you heard of the Modern Slavery Act? 它要求所有营业额达到或超过3600万英镑的公司发布一份声明,解释他们所采取的措施, to ensure that their business is not tainted by slavery or human trafficking. That might not sound like its relevant to you, 但在实践中,它会影响整个供应链和其中所有员工的责任.

And what about sustainability or environmental protection? Do you have a position or internal policy on these areas? 如果你这样做了,你可能需要明确和执行你的员工的义务. 如果您的企业是与大型企业相连的供应链的一部分,那么这些领域都值得考虑. 我们越来越多的客户发现,要想赢得新业务,就必须有一项针对现代奴隶制之类的政策,或者能够证明核心价值观的一致性.

支持 for building your culture

Attracting and retaining great talent can be hard. 良好的人力资源和就业法律基础将帮助您为企业设定文化基调,并为招聘提供支持.

仔细思考你的价值观是如何影响你想要如何管理你的业务的,这是形成一套正确的人力资源政策和程序的好方法,这将有助于激励人们想要为你工作.  把员工手册当成你的业务指南——一个让你的员工了解你是谁的地方, what you believe in and ‘how we do things around here’.

Let’s take something simple like pets at work. Maybe you already have some dogs wandering around the office? 我们所做的. 但你有没有想过如何将其正式纳入员工政策,让很多人认为这是为你工作的巨大好处? Equally having certain animals about could be offensive or cause anxiety to others, 因此,正式列出你将如何处理这一点,对于避免相关的不满或歧视担忧至关重要.

Protecting your business


Let’s think about assets and IP. In a digital or tech start-up these will include your clients, 你的产品, your know-how and techniques, ‘trade secrets’ and your market intel. How do you protect an employee walking off with all that?  第一步是在雇佣合同中精心制定限制性条款和其他保护性条款. Generic type clauses routinely fail to protect because they are too wide or unreasonable, 所以确保你做得完全正确是你能做的保护商业价值的最佳投资之一.

Its quite likely that working in your business is fast paced and fun, 随着社交媒体和社交活动成为你的团队工作和生活中不可或缺的一部分. But this context can have significant impacts on your responsibilities as an employer.

自从允许员工在家在线工作的技术引入以来,工作和家庭之间的界限变得更加模糊. 社交媒体让事情变得更加复杂,同事们在网上都是“朋友”. The bigger the crossover between work colleagues and social media friends, 网上行为就越有可能被拖入工作领域,牵连到你这个雇主. 社交媒体, bullying and harassment policies whilst not required by law are essential to have, together with a clear position on what you consider to be inappropriate conduct outside work, for your business to be fit for management in the modern age.

Next up in part 2 of our series: Teething pains and growing up - what to expect as you grow

LexLeyton is a regulated law firm specialising in HR and employment law for business www.lexleyton.co.uk


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